Seattle Editing’s services include coaching, manuscript assessment, developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, and proofreading.
Would you like a free sample edit? We’ll need a few pages of your document or manuscript, in a Word-compatible attachment or copied/pasted into your email. Your accompanying message should include your full name, contact information, and the total word count. Be sure to let me know which type of editing you’d prefer. Please send your email to:
If you don’t want to attach a file but would like a sample edit, click the button below, complete the form, and copy and paste your sample pages into the space provided. Be sure to click on the submit button!
Sometimes writers need extra help, and that’s where coaching comes in. Coaching usually takes place through email, Skype, Zoom, or phone.
Cost: $40 per hour
Manuscript Assessment (aka “big picture” editing)
If you’ve completed a rough draft of your book but haven’t figured out how to revise it, a manuscript assessment may be the ticket. This type of editing is sometimes called a “critique.” After reading the manuscript twice while taking notes, I’ll write a 5–6-page letter.
For fiction: The letter addresses genre, readers, plot structure, subplots, pacing, settings, character development, dialogue, narrative style, voice, point of view, diction, style, pacing, and any recurring grammar or punctuation errors.
For nonfiction: The letter examines genre, readers, focus, organization, logical flow, clarity, voice, style, diction, style, pacing, and any recurring grammar or punctuation errors.
For a manuscript assessment, please submit the first 20,000 words of your manuscript and receive a four- to six-page critique letter. Cost: $400 (.02 per word).
Developmental Editing
Developmental editing can start with a complete manuscript that needs a thorough revision or a rewrite. The developmental editing letter is more in-depth than the assessment letter, often 20 pages or more, and comments are made directly on the manuscript.
Cost: For an 80,000-word manuscript: $1,200 (Add $250 for each additional 10,000 words.)
Copyediting: Heavy Versus Light
Copyediting usually requires a couple of passes. Heavy editing addresses organization, development, and clarity. It may involve fact-checking as well. Light editing identifies the following problems in track changes:
- redundancies & inconsistencies
- inaccuracies (such as wrong dates)
- wordiness, inappropriate jargon, clichés
- weak sentence style
- inappropriate or inconsistent tone
- lack of transitions and signposts
- problematic word choice
- tense shifts or wrong use of tense
- grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation
Cost: .02–.04 per word
Line Editing
Line editing focuses on improving the sound and style of the writing. It is not a grammar check, though I will point out errors where I see them. The goal is to improve overall quality by addressing areas where the writing is unclear, wordy, lacking transitions or signposts, choppy, and generally not up to the desired standard.
Cost: .03–.04 per word
If the manuscript has been edited and revised, it may need just a once-over to eliminate any remaining errors, inconsistencies, ambiguities, or formatting issues. This level of proofreading also checks for proper sequencing, accurate cross-references and documentation, and consistency in spelling, punctuation, fonts, and capitalization.
Cost: .01–.025 per word
Express Proofreading
Express proofreading has the fastest turnaround. Manuscripts that have been carefully copyedited and contain only mechanical errors (spelling, punctuation, typos, formatting) qualify for an express edit.
Cost: .03 per word